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Spelling City
Your child can complete activities incorporating their individualized spelling list each week. 10=spelling 4=high frequency words 6=target vocabulary The login is: sn27.lastnamefirstinitial (sample: sn27.smithk) The password is: Slsdfollowedbytheirsixdigitschoolid (sample: Slsd209876)
IXL math
math skills practice The login is: sn27lastnamefirstinitial (sample: sn27smithk) The password is: Slsdfollowedbytheirsixdigitschoolid (sample: Slsd209876) -
math fact practice
This is a math publisher based site. If you have trouble accessing it, please let me know so I can remove it from the page. -
xtramath fact fluency site
We will use this site at school for math fact reinforcement. login is: firstname lastinitial (sample: Kathy S) password: a unique four digit code I will send home (sample: 7986)