
  • Homework

    Homework is something that is very important in first grade. Practice...practice...practice makes perfect!

    * Every night you will get at least one piece of homework in the homework folder to complete. Look over  the homework checklist. Every evening you will need to practice your word ring, listen to someone read a book, and read your guided reading book. Parents and Student; please initial your homework checklist every evening so I know that you have completed all your homework. Any box with an X in the middle indicates no homework in that section.

    Guided Reading:

    Everyday your child will bring home a plastic bag containing a book and a log to record the book and your signature. We will also be reading other books, so reviewing it at home is essential to creating good literacy habits. Read the book together, talk about what is happening in the story, can you relate to anything in the story to what your child already knows? Ask your child how he/she would change the ending. This is a great way to build a bridge between our classroom and home.


    Word Ring:

    Everyday your child will bring home his/her word ring containing our words of the week. Please read the words with your child. Then have your child read the words on his/her own a few times. The more times you practice the words, the better and more fluent he/she will become in recognizing and reading them. Then you can look for these words in stories, on signs as you are driving, and anywhere else in life where these words appear. If your child can read the words easily, mix them up on the floor and have him/her find them scattered around or have them create sentences with the words.


    Read a story to your child:

    Please choose a picture book, or good read aloud chapter book to read to your child every night. One of the key elements to promote literacy is read aloud time. Encourage your son/daughter to follow along with the text while using the pictures as well. Make predictions, talk about the events, and ask your child many questions about the story.