*Practice, Practice, Practice as much as you can based off classwork and use the Pearson website*
-Short A words
Pre-test will be given on DAY 1
Post-test will be given on Day 5
*Please have your child practice his/her spelling words nightly to ensure knowledge of words. The spelling test will always be 4 days after the pre-test. I will be sending home 2 spelling homework assignments weekly to help students practice.
Proper spacing is very important. We will be using spacing bears to help us.
Word Journal:
HFW WORDS: and be help play with you
*Please review every night*
~Create words using yarn, licorice, magnetic letters, shaving cream, play dough, pudding, cut words out of magazines
~Find in stories
~Write sentences using words
~Draw pictures to represent words
~Word sorts
~ABC Order
Assess entry level. We will start with one sentence, focusing on upper case letters and ending marks!!!
To keep up with classroom new please sign up for update on:
www.remind.com: Segovis 2016-2017
Let's begin this adventure together!!!!!:)