Need Help with Homework??
*Homework is an important part of your child's education process. Homework is listed on the homework chart and should be returned in the homework folder. It should be done by the student, which should extend what was taught in class. First grade homework should not be taking any longer than 10-20 minutes.*
Each night please have your child read their book in the guided reading bag. This story has been practiced in class, so your child has seen this story before. It is your job to sign off that the book was read. You may also want to ask your child questions for comprehension. Ex..What are the characters, problem, setting, or solution?
Every other day the students will be given a math practice page, which will allow practice at home based on classwork.
Each week the students will be given 10 words that they will be working on in guided reading, word work, and centers. Please practice the words nightly to ensure knowledge of spelling and meaning.