English Language Development (ELD) Program
Mission Statement for English Language Development (ELD):
The mission of the English Language Development (ELD) Program in the Southern Lehigh School District (SLSD) is to provide support and instruction in English language to enable English Learners (ELs) to become successful in the classroom and the community.Program Design:
The Language Instruction Educational Program (LIEP) is designed to provide English Learners (ELs) with English Language Development (ELD) instruction based on language proficiency levels, the Pennsylvnia English Language Development Standards, WIDA CAN DO Descriptors, Pennsylvania Core Standards, and Pennsylvania Academic Standards. Language instruction is provided by a qualified ESL Teacher and focuses upon needs in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Language instruction is modified and adapted based on language proficiency levels. ELs participate in content area instruction where accommodations and/or modifications are determined and provided as a result of collaboration between the content area teacher and ESL Teacher. Based upon need, ELs have access to additional supports such as tiered interventions in literacy and mathematics, Special Education, and Gifted Support. ELs are included in special activities, such as field trips, assemblies, and school celebrations. They can also participate in extracurricular activities. In High School, ELs also have the opportunity to take Advanced Placement Courses, participate in dual enrollment opportunities, and attend the Lehigh Career and Technical Institute.Program Model:
The Program Model of the District’s LIEP is Mixed Classes with English-Only Support. ELs are included in classrooms where the students’ native language is not used for instruction. English Language Development (ELD) instruction focuses on helping ELs acquire English language skills and an understanding of content. Support could be provided either inside or outside of the content area classroom. ELD may include:- Pull-Out Direct Instruction is in addition to content area instruction and focuses on increasing the English proficiency of ELs. Pull-Out Instruction may include One-to-One and/or Small Group Instruction. Small Group instruction is based on English proficiency levels and may span grade levels.
- Push-In Classroom Support focuses on assisting ELs in applying English language skills during content area instruction.
- Consultation is a process by which an ESL Teacher periodically meets with ELs to monitor progress with English proficiency in the classroom. It includes collaboration with the content area teacher and/or instructional assistants to facilitate the application of English language skills during content area instruction.

Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Charise Trilling

Degrees and Certifications: