The Southern Lehigh School District has received approval from the PA Department of Education to utilize five (5) Flexible Instructional Days (FID) as an alternate approach to delivering instruction if circumstances arise that prevent in-person instruction. This may include inclement weather or other emergencies.
If inclement weather requires the District to close, the first four (4) days of closure will not be instructional days for students. Those days are built into the District Calendar so that students will still complete the State required 180 days. Should additional days of school closure be necessary, the District will begin to utilize the five (5) available Flexible Instructional Days. All subsequent school closures beyond nine (9) days will be added to the end of the school year.
A Flexible Instructional Day (FID) will count as an instructional day for students, and the District may utilize up to five (5) Flexible Instructional Days (FID) in a single school year.To be considered in attendance for the day, students will follow their daily schedule attending whole class meetings virtually and engaging in instructional activities through the Learning Management System (LMS) and/or a video conferencing platform. Live instructional links will be provided through teachers' LMS. Attendance in virtual meetings and the submission of activities will be reviewed by the teacher for attendance purposes. Should an extenuating circumstance arise during the FID day, such as a power outage, where your child can not access virtual learning, FID Materials Packets provided by your child's teacher(s) can be completed instead. Your child must turn in those completed packets to their teacher(s) during the next in-person school day to be marked present for the FID.
Use the links below for more information about Flexible Instructional Days (FID):