Cycle for Curricular Excellence (CCE)
The Southern Lehigh School District Cycle for Curricular Excellence (CCE) has been developed to ensure continuous review and advancement of standards-based curriculum through a systematic process. It is defined by four phases: (1) Needs Assessment, (2) Development and Planning, (3) Implementation, and (4) Monitoring. Academic content areas progress through the CCE by completing work outlined by each phase. Generally, it may take one or more years to complete the scope of work required for each phase. Consequently, the CCE supports five year budgetary planning. By design, it is also flexible enough to embrace creativity, inspire innovation, and adapt to external requirement, such as mandated changes in legislation.

Phase 1 Needs Assessment: During this phase, work is done to identify the gaps between where the program is and where the program needs to be. Research examines current state and national standards, best practices, educational trends, exemplary programs, as well as diversity, equity, and inclusion. As needed, surveys are conducted to gather insight into stakeholders’ perceptions of curriculum. Through this work, a research-based, written philosophy is crafted. Additionally, a review of curriculum maps, programming data, as well as student achievement and growth data is conducted. At the completion of this phase, research findings and data reports are also formalized into documentation that will inform Phase 2.
Phase 2: Development and Planning: The scope of Phase 2 work is relative to the needs assessment findings from Phase 1 and begins with a review of Phase 1 deliverables: (1) written philosophy; (2) research findings and recommendations; and (3) data reports. During Phase 2, a Scope and Sequence is developed that outlines a coherent, standards-based, progression of learning. If applicable, new resources are evaluated for alignment with the philosophy, scope and sequence, as well as the research findings and recommendations from Phase 1. Planned courses of instruction are developed and student pathways are reviewed. The philosophy, scope and sequence, planned courses, and research findings are formalized into a proposal that is presented to the Board for approval. At the completion of this Phase 2, a tentative timeline and plan for implementation is formalized into documentation that will inform Phase 3.
Phase 3: Implementation: Phase 3 focuses on the Implementation of Board approved planned courses that were developed during Phase 2. At the start of Phase 3, the tentative timeline and plan for implementation is refined and put into action. If applicable, new resources are ordered, received, inventoried, and distributed to teachers. Professional development is provided to ensure that teachers receive the support needed to implement the program with fidelity. Pacing guides, units of study, and common assessments are developed in alignment with planned courses. At the completion of Phase 3, data points are identified for monitoring during Phase 4.
Phase 4: Monitoring: Phase 4 focuses on Monitoring and sustaining the fidelity of implementation after Phase 3. During this phase, steps may be taken to fine tune overall program effectiveness. Professional development is differentiated to support individual needs. Data is collected and analyzed throughout Phase 4 in order to support the work of Phase 1.